Home » quotes » overdue thank you’s, awards, and a little winnie-the-pooh

overdue thank you’s, awards, and a little winnie-the-pooh

“The notice had been written by Christopher Robin, who was the only one in the forest who could spell; for Owl, wise though he was in many ways, able to read and write and spell his own name WOL, yet somehow went all to pieces over delicate words like MEASLES and BUTTERED TOAST.”

~ A.A. Milne, The World of Pooh

I can relate to dear Owl. Sometimes it’s like that.

Seems October had a few (several?) days like that. And then November was, well, November. I’ve lagged behind and been remiss in acknowledging and sharing some lovely gifts.

So now that I’ve basically recouped from the late nights and the mental/emotional intensity of NaNoWriMo, and my home has returned to some semblance of order, I shall endeavour to catch up over the next few posts.

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(Dateline: October 6, 2012)

It was a happy honour to be included among Dave Kanigan‘s nominees for the “Family of Bloggers Award.” Thank you, Dave.

His posts, from the more serious and thought-provoking to the hilarious, the photos, artwork, videos, and music are a daily source of inspiration. To visit Dave’s blog, Lead.Learn.Live, click here.


I’d like to nominate the following bloggers — thank you for your friendship and your followship.

Ruth @ Silver Screenings

Dave @ Lead.Learn.Live.

Mary Ann @ mypenandme

LaDona @ LaDona’s Music Studio

Michael @ WeMoveTogether

John Childress


Linda @ A Nature Mom

Carol @ Flowers, Trees, & Other Such Gifts of Nature

FeyGirl @ Serenity Spell

Tom @ Only Here Only Now

John @ The Strategic Learner

Kelley @ The Path Untangled

Brinn @ Brinnmar

Carly @ True Color

Linda Willows


Judy @ Janthina Images

Deborah Brasket

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If you choose to accept the award, the guidelines can be found here.

25 thoughts on “overdue thank you’s, awards, and a little winnie-the-pooh

  1. Pingback: Family bloggers award nomination! « oawritingspoemspaintings

  2. Winnie the Pooh has such a very special place in my heart! I had my one and only son when I was 37( he is now 20 years old and teaching English in S. Korea…. sniff…snifff). He and I used to watch the old, or earlier Winnie the Pooh videos/cartoons. Wonderful memories. I feel like buying them in book form for keepsakes.

    Thank you, Sandy



    • You’re welcome, Brinn. I loved watching those early Pooh stories, too. Especially those scenes where Pooh is jumping from one page onto the next. :o) Our copy of the The World of Pooh has long since lost its cover and is very dog-eared — much loved.

      I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!


  3. You’re so kind!! Thanks very much for the nomination. And a Winnie the Pooh quote. How absolutely perfect (my favorite…). ♥ According to my mother, me = Tigger, my brother = Eeyore. To this day, he is not happy about that…


  4. Sandy, Thanks so much for the nomination! I truly appreciate the support (even though I am terrible at those kind of award things). <3


    • You’re very welcome.:o) And no worries if you’d rather not “officially” accept the award. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your friendship.

      I hope you have a lovely holiday season!


  5. Sandy,
    Thank you for thinking of me and janthina images with this award. It is always nice to have someone think of you when passing out good thoughts and positive encouragement! it is very sweet and appreciated!


    • You’re welcome, Dave. And thank you. I hope you and your family have a beauty of a Christmas (to be read with a good strong Canadian accent).


  6. Pingback: Gratitude. Gift-wrapped and delivered. | LaDona's Music Studio

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