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Beautiful Blogger Award

Thank you sturner2 for nominating me for this award. I’m honoured. And thank you for your example of service and integrity, for broadening my perspective through your stories, and for your encouragement — I’m with Genie and her nomination of you and your blog! :o)

Rules of the Award:

1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post. This may require you to use an image widget.

2. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

3. Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award.

I’d like to nominate the following blogs . . .

1) Silver Screenings

2) Lead.Learn.Live

3) A Fondness for Reading

4) mypenandme

5) Kelsae Skye: Paintings. Photography.

6) Tracie Louise Photography

7) ArtiZenImages

On any given day, these lovely people never fail to make me smile, laugh, cry, think, and remember what’s truly important. Through their blogs I’ve been inspired, amused, challenged, amazed, comforted, humbled and encouraged. It’s a beautiful thing. :o) Please visit them and see what I mean.

Thanks again to sturner2 — be sure to visit his blog, Here am I, send me.

I wish you all a million moments of joy.

Warm regards,


15 thoughts on “Beautiful Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award « mypenandme

  2. I’m honored! Thanks so much for your kind words…now I need to figure out how to get the award thingy to post (computers are not my strong suit :).


    • You’re welcome! :o) Do you use a Mac or a PC? If you work with Mac, you can click on the image while holding down the control key. It’ll give you a menu that gives you a choice (among other things) to “Save Image to ‘Downloads'” — or you can click on “Save Image As…” if you’d like to put it in a different folder. Once it’s on your computer, you can insert it into a post in the same way as any of your photographs. For PCs, I think you can “right click” on the image, then choose “Save picture as” which brings up a directory. Choose where you’d like to save it, and click “save.”

      If you want to include it in your sidebar, there’s instructions at “http://en.support.wordpress.com/widgets/image-widget/#image-widget-title” on how to use an image widget.


  3. Thank you, Sandy! What an honor. I will create my post in the next couple of days. I will also check out the other blogs. Unfortunately, I’m traveling most of the time, so I don’t have the time I really want to read everyone’s blogs, but there is so many wonderful and supportive people in WordPress! Cheers, Kelsae


  4. Pingback: A Blogger’s Gift to A Blogger… – Lead.Learn.Live.

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